Art Quarter Stadtgarten
The project “Kunstquartier Stadtgarten” is an urban planning milestone for Gmunden. For several years, the 6,500m² site of the former municipal plant nursery, centrally located on a slope overlooking the lake, lay fallow; the glasshouses were destroyed by hail, and the historic villa was left to decay. In 2022, the municipal council unanimously decided to rededicate the area and create a public space for art, culture and meeting. With the conscious decision to prevent further soil sealing and instead create public green space and enhance it with cultural offerings and as a lingering zone without compulsion to consume, the foundation was laid for a piece of land in the middle of the city where creative ideas sprout and flourish alongside colorful flowers.
Since 2022, the area has already been successfully used for the project GMUNDEN.PHOTO and exhibitions by the resident artists of AIR 101. For the Capital of Culture year 2024, an art quarter inspired by Vienna’s Museumsquartier MQ, which was also won as a project partner, is to be created.